1,811 research outputs found

    PRIVED: a Privacy Model for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks

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    We propose a network-oriented privacy model (PRIVED) composed by a well defined information model, using events, information sets and relationships to define the conceptual privacy relationships that can occur in the network. We propose formal rules and a network instantiation, using linkability and correlation as the main tools for network applicability. We also use the model to determine the best approaches towards privacy protection in the network, resulting in a vertical/horizontal network privacy dichotomy

    Generalized Gross--Perry--Sorkin--Like Solitons

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    In this paper, we present a new solution for the effective theory of Maxwell--Einstein--Dilaton, Low energy string and Kaluza--Klein theories, which contains among other solutions the well known Kaluza--Klein monopole solution of Gross--Perry--Sorkin as special case. We show also the magnetic and electric dipole solutions contained in the general one.Comment: 10 latex pages, no figures. To appear in Class. Quant. Gravity

    Prediction of carcass composition in vivo by slaughter weight and ultrasound measurements in Churro Galego Bragançano local breed lambs

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    Forty Churro Galego Bragançano local breed lambs (20 females and 20 males) with an mean live weight of 19.3 kg ( 10 to 28.5 kg) were scanned by ultrasound to M. Longissimus dorsi depth (MLDD), subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) between the 12th-1 3th dorsal vertebra (D 12), l st-2nd (Ll ) and 3rd-4th (L3) lumbar vertebra and breast bone tissue thickness (BET) at 2nd (S2), 3rd (S3) and 4th sternebra. Lambs were slaughtered after 24-h fast ing. Carcasses were cooled at 4 °C for 24 h. and halved carefully. The left side was divided into eight standardized commercial joints: leg, chump, loin. Ribs, anterior ribs, shoulder, breast and neck. Each joint was then dissected into muscle, subcutaneous fat. intermuscular fat and bone. The in vivo ultrasound measurements plus slaughter weight were fitted to predict carcass tissue composition by stepwise regression analysis. All the developed models were highly significant (P<0.001) and explained 60, 76,64 and 74% of the muscle, subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat and bone variation, respectively. The models residual standard deviations were lower than 20 g kg-

    Avaliação de soluções energéticas em ambiente hospitalar na perspectiva de uma ESCO

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    Estágio realizado nos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, orientado pelo Engenheiro Avaro LapaTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    User centric community clouds

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    With the evolution in cloud technologies, users are becoming acquainted with seamless service provision. Nevertheless, clouds are not a user centric technology, and users become completely dependent on service providers. We propose a novel concept for clouds, where users self-organize to create their clouds. We present such an architecture for user-centric clouds, which relies on self-managed clouds based on doctrine and on identity management concepts

    IES an open system for underwater inspection

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    This paper describes the specification and design of a prototype of a low cost open system for the inspection of underwater structures based on a remotely operated underwater vehicle under the project IES, a 3 year long effort funded by the Portuguese R&D program Praxis XXI. Unlike commercial approaches, a modular open system characterised by the incorporation of an on-board computer allowing for advanced control capabilities is envisaged. The control console is based on a standard PC and the tether is used only for power delivery and to establish a simple communication channel. In this project, we use advanced hybrid control techniques for sophisticated semi-autonomous operation management and control. The control architecture reuses part of the one designed for the underwater vehicle Isurus operated by the Laboratory of Underwater Systems and Technologies of Porto University. The implementation is designed in order to allow for multiple sensor configurations specified as add-ins. This leads to a dynamic, scalable and flexible system that can be easily configured according to the user specifications

    Sistema de ejercicios matemáticos para desarrollar la habilidad de modelar funciones (Original)

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    This scientific research aims to propose a system of exercises mathematics to develop the ability to model functions in the 11th grade students of the Grito de Yara Pre-University Institute of the Yara municipality, Granma province. The designed activities allowed to broaden the knowledge about the modeling of functions for daily life. The skills achieved in the development of the exercises contributed to the development of teaching methods in Higher Secondary Education. The conclusions mark the development of the knowledge of the functions, taking into account the current conditions of life. Inductive-deductive, analysis-synthesis methods were used; among statisticians, percentage calculation; In addition, documentary review techniques, surveys, interviews and observation were used. The type of research is descriptive, which allowed developing the proposed objective.La presente investigación científica tiene como objetivo proponer un sistema de ejercicios matemáticos para desarrollar la habilidad de modelar funciones en los estudiantes de 11no grado del Instituto Preuniversitario Grito de Yara del municipio Yara provincia Granma. Las actividades diseñadas, permitieron ampliar los conocimientos sobre la modelación de funciones para la vida cotidiana. Las habilidades logradas en el desarrollo de los ejercicios contribuyeron al desarrollo de métodos de enseñanza en la Educación Media Superior. Las conclusiones marcan el desarrollo del conocimiento de las funciones, teniendo en cuenta las actuales condiciones de la vida. Se emplearon los métodos inductivo- deductivo, análisis – síntesis; entre los estadísticos, el cálculo porcentual; además se manejaron técnicas de revisión documental, encuestas, entrevistas y observación. El tipo de investigación es descriptivo, lo cual permitió desarrollar el objetivo propuesto

    Chromatographic analysis of honey ceramic artefacts

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    Honey was the main sweetening agent in the ancient world; it is mentioned in literary sources and archaeologically documentedall over the Mediterranean basin. Its production extended throughout different parts of the Roman Empire, with importanteconomic impacts on family economies, both as a foodstuff and as a commercial product. This paper focuses on the chromato-graphic analysis of Roman Iberian honeypots and ceramic beehives, identifying tracer characteristics from ancient honey insherds from seven honeypots and three beehives. The obtained results present an important contribution to the knowledge of thelocal Roman Iberian economy, particularly relating to the production, transport and trade of honey in locally manufacturedceramic containers.This work received financial support from theEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through COMPETE—Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds provided byFCT—Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UID/QUI/50006/2013. César Oliveira acknowledgesInstituto de Ciências eTecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares—Porto (ICETA) for his con-tract under project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000011. This work waspartially financed by PTDC/EPH-ARQ/5204/2012 research project(Portuguese Science Foundation)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudio de mejora de procesos del servicio de la plataforma elevadora GP40 en Maquinza Perú S.A.C.

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    La presente investigación es un estudio de mejora de los procesos del servicio de la plataforma elevadora GP40 en la empresa Maquinza Perú. S.A.C. El estudio se llevó a cabo en el periodo enero - diciembre del 2016, como responsable del área de operaciones e ingeniería. Se detectó un creciente nivel de reclamos con respecto al servicio de las plataformas elevadoras sobre mástil GP40, llamadas comercialmente plataformas GP40 o plataformas de cremallera. Estos reclamos o molestias se notaban en base a los correos que llegaban a la central desde las diferentes obras que atendía la empresa. La insatisfacción se generaba por la demora en el armado de la plataforma GP40 y la falta de información de un tiempo estándar de armado que necesitaba el cliente para programar sus futuras acciones en el proyecto con la maquinaria. Si no se cumplía con el tiempo indicado, era una pérdida para el cliente de costo de mano de obra parada, asimismo si no se establecía un tiempo estándar de armado, el cliente no podía anticiparse para contratar el personal para los trabajos posteriores. Implementando herramientas de ingeniería, se detecta los tres ejes principales que generan el problema de la empresa, siendo la falta de un tiempo estándar de armado de la plataforma GP40, falta de un procedimiento escrito de armado de la maquinaria y por último orden en el almacén de la empresa. Con los ejes detectados y en un trabajo en conjunto con el personal involucrado, se desarrollaron las soluciones óptimas enfocadas en tres objetivos específicos. las mismas que lograron eliminar los problemas y mejorar la preferencia del cliente por los servicios de la plataforma elevadora GP40 en la empresa Maquinza Perú S.A.C., obteniéndose resultados favorables los cuales se pueden observar en el segundo periodo de estudio correspondiente a Julio – Diciembre del 2016.The present investigation is an improvement study in the service processes of the mast climbing work platform GP40 of the company Maquinza Peru S.A.C. The study took place in the period for January – December 2016, being responsible of the operation an engineering area. We detected an uprising level of claims concerning the mast climbing GP40 service. Commercially called platforms GP40 or rack elevated platforms. This claims or inconveniences were noticed due to the emails that were sent to the main office from different construction sites that the company served. The discontent was generated by the delay in setting up the mast climbing GP40, and the lack of information of a standard set up time that the client needed to plan their future activities in the project with the mast climbing GP40. If the deadline was not met, it was a loss for the client, downtime cost. Also, if there was no standard set up time, the client could not anticipate to hire the qualified staff for the subsequent jobs. Implementing engineering tools, we can detect the three main axis that generate the company main issue, which is the lack of a standard set up time of the mast climbing GP40, the lack of a written procedure to set up the machinery and last but not least order in the company warehouse. With the axis detected and in a group work altogether with the involved staff, optimized solutions were developed focusing in three specific objectives. The ones that got to eliminate the issues and improve the client’s preference for the service of the mast platform GP40 in Maquinza Peru S.A.C. company, which we can observe in the second period of study for July-December 2016

    Diseño sismorresistente de MBR del proyecto: “Intervención en reconstrucción mediante IRI en la I.E. N° 14046 del C.P. Cerritos - Cristo nos valga - Sechura - Piura“

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    El presente estudio tiene por objetivo determinar si el Diseño Sismorresistente del MBR para el Módulo “B” de la IE N° 14046 del C.P. Cerritos, Distrito de Cristo nos valga, Provincia de Sechura, Región Piura, es adecuado. El presente estudio empleó un método de análisis sintético para investigar el MBR del Módulo “B” de la institución antes mencionada. Este enfoque se consideró apropiado para determinar la idoneidad del análisis. El estudio se clasificó como aplicado, ya que utilizó conocimientos teóricos para abordar cuestiones prácticas. Además, el estudio fue de naturaleza descriptiva, ya que su objetivo principal fue describir la situación problemática y ofrecer una solución viable al MBR MBR para el Módulo “B” de la IE N° 14046 del C.P. Cerritos. La naturaleza experimental del diseño se evidencia en el extenso estudio y las pruebas realizadas para determinar sus propiedades. Se utilizó la población y la muestra representativa del MBR para el módulo “B” del IE No. 14046 del CP Cerritos, distrito de Cristo Nos Valga, provincia de Sechura, provincia de Sechura, región de Piura. Durante todo el proceso de recopilación de datos, se emplearon una variedad de metodologías, técnicas y herramientas para ayudar en el procesamiento de la información, incluida la guía de observación. El paso inicial del análisis de datos consistió en definir la información y las características del edificio, lo que incluyó tener en cuenta el tipo de sistema estructural, las propiedades de los materiales utilizados y los parámetros para determinar el espectro. Posteriormente, se utilizaron fórmulas básicas para calcular las dimensiones de las secciones de los elementos estructurales, como pilares, vigas, losas aligeradas y sólidas. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis estructural estático y dinámico utilizando el software Etabs, en ese sentido es importante señalar que el sistema de muro estructural empleado en el edificio analizado demostró la capacidad de garantizar un comportamiento estructural adecuado ante los riesgos sísmicos